July 29, 2016

Fractured Reservoir Characterization


Fractured reservoir characterization is vital in oil and gas production and management of fractured reservoirs. Every naturally fractured reservoir is unique, though they share the following general characteristics and challenges:

  • Range from matrix dominated to purely fracture dominated system
  • Typically have high initial productivity followed by rapid decline, early water breakthrough or early gas/water corning, and large variability in well productivities and recoveries
  • Significantly impacted by fractures occurring in a variety of scales and with high degree of heterogeneity
  • Can induce seismic anisotropy and lead to highly directional flow
  • Can cause large mud loss in drilling

Our fractured reservoir characterization and modeling solution includes the following steps generated by utilizing all available geologic, well, seismic and production data.

  • Well electrofacies analysis which integrates reservoir dynamic data that determine the fracture units at wells
  • Creating a 3D discrete fracture network (DFN) model

The key benefits and applications of fractured reservoir characterization include:

  • Identification of 3D fracture network
  • Optimization of new well locations
  • Quantitative understanding of the role of fractures in the fluid flow
  • Defining the most productive and least productive reservoirs
  • Delineating fracture distributions at the reservoir scale
  • Mud loss prediction in drilling
  • Optimization of reservoir management including pressure maintenance, hydraulic fracturing and stimulation
  • Optimization of water injection
  • Control of water-coning
  • And more…

Please contact us with information about your challenges to see how we can help you.